Where to get modern incubator in Kenya

An egg incubator is a device simulating a brooding chicken by keeping eggs warm at a particular temperature range and in the correct humidity with a turning mechanism to hatch them.

The incubator has the following functions

Temperature control

The right temperature for egg incubator is 37.8 degrees centigrade

Humidity control

The humidity level in the incubator should be between 60-80

Automatic turning

The incubator turns the eggs after every 2 hours


There is a ventilation fan that pumps out the air after every 3 hours

Ecochicks poultry has modern eggs incubators ranging from 60 eggs to 1000 eggs

300 eggs incubators

Automatic incubator price in Kenya

300 Eggs Incubator with digital display of temperature and humidity

  • Egg Capacity: 300 Eggs
  • Automatic Control of: turning, ventilation, humidity, temperature, alarms, e.tc
  • Comes with Free spares & Accessories (Feeders, Drinkers, Cables, Torch, Water bottle)
  • Setter and Hatcher combined
  • Power:180W /12vdc/ 240V AC
  • Can use either Solar/Battery or Electricity
  • Can preserve heat during a power blackout
  • Every incubator has very accurate and Calibrated PID Controller
  • Separate Heating and Humidification Chamber to give slow cyclic air circulation to make the humidity and temperature even throughout the incubator
  • Double layer trays allow to set eggs in stages
  • Hatch rate: 98%
  • Roller Turning system that ensures all eggs are well turned
  • Free training
  • Warranty: 12 Months
  • Hatch rate: 98%
  • FREE DELIVERY country wide
300 eggs incubators
Digital Affordable incubator

Incubator fan in Kenya

Ecochicks Poultry Ltd is the top incubator supplier in Kenya. We sell both large and small scale incubators at a competitive price. All our machines come fitted with an automatic digital controller for temperature, humidity and ventilation.

1056 Eggs New model Automatic incubator

Egg Capacity: 1056 Eggs
Power: 400w/ 240vAC
Automatic Control of: turning, ventilation, humidity, temperature, alarms,
Free spares & Accessories
Free training
Setter and Hatcher combined
Warranty: 1 year
Hatch rate: 98%
Advanced cold Humidity control system
Separate Heating and Humidification Chamber with 2 fans to give slow cyclic air circulation to make the humidity and temperature even throughout the incubator

528 eggs incubators
Digital intelligent Automatic incubator

What is the function of a fan in an incubator?

The incubator fan allows the hot air to circulate and maintain the consistent temperature within the incubator.

Incubator motor price in Kenya

A motor is a device that changes a form of energy into mechanical energy to produce motion. There are generally two types of motors, AC motor and DC motor. AC motors are flexible for speed control and demand low power during start. On the other hand, DC motors are widely used due to its initial cost of low power units is less compared to AC and can be easily installed.

What is the function of an incubator motor?

An incubator motor rotates the eggs to prevent the yolk from settling to one side and to exercise the embryo.

What are the different types of motors?

AC motor and DC motor

Digital controller price in Kenya

A digital controller/thermostat is used to set the desired temperature of the incubator. After the desired temperature is reached, the thermostat automatically maintains the incubator at that temperature until the temperature is changed again.

5000 Egg incubator Price in kenya
Fully Automatic incubator

What is the recommended temperature for an incubator?

The recommended temperature for an incubator should be 37.8 degrees centigrade.

What are the recommended humidity levels for hatching?

The humidity levels should be between 60% – 80%.

Incubators with Low power consumption

1056 Eggs commercial Automatic incubator is Affordable price in Kenya

  • This  imported 1056 Eggs incubator is fully automatic, coming with egg tray  for turning eggs, torch, drinker, feeder, hatching basket, fully automatic control of temperature and humidity, automatic turning of eggs, AC/DC power, free back up generator. This is one of the best hatchery can hatch all types of poultry eggs like chicks, ducks, geese, turkey, quail and many more poultry eggs. we have both large, medium and small incubators best for all poultry farmers, full instruction and guides on how to use the machine.
    • Automatic egg turning system: no damage to breeding eggs. The power of the egg turning system comes from a brushless motor. Compared with the hub motor, it is quieter, more powerful, sustainable and stable egg turning, and improves the hatching rate;   the actual temperature is clearly visible.
    • The incubator is made of stainless steel, and the appearance and quality of the aluminum alloy rim are further guaranteed. It insulation performance and saves energy. LARGE CAPACITY – The digital incubators hold 1056 eggs and it is easy to clean and easy to use with instructions included.
    • Egg Capacity: 1056 Eggs
    • Power: 400W/ 240V AC
    • Automatic Control of: turning, ventilation, humidity, Temperature, alarms,
    • Free spares & Accessories
    • Free training
    • Setter and Hatcher combined
    • Warranty: 1 year
    • Hatch rate: 98%
    • Advanced cold Humidity control system
    • Separate Heating and Humidification Chamber with 2 fans to give slow cyclic air circulation to make the humidity and temperature even throughout the incubator
New Imported incubator

Humidity Sensor price in Kenya

A humidity sensor (or hygrometer) senses, measures and reports both moisture and air temperature in the incubator.

528 Eggs Full hatcher full setter

  • Egg Capacity: 528 Eggs
  • Automatic Control of: turning, ventilation, humidity, temperature, alarms, e.tc
  • Comes with Free spares & Accessories (Feeders, Drinkers, Cables, Torch, Water bottle)
  • Setter and Hatcher combined
  • Power: 350W // 240V AC
  • Can use either Generator or Electricity
  • Can preserve heat during a power blackout
  • Every incubator has very accurate and Calibrated PID Controller
  • Separate Heating and Humidification Chamber to give slow cyclic air circulation to make the humidity and temperature even throughout the incubator
  • Double layer trays allow to set eggs in stages
  • Hatch rate: 98%
  • Egg tray Turning system that ensures all eggs are well turned
  • Free training
  • Warranty: 1 year
  • free delivery countrywide
New model hatchery

Small incubator with high hatching rate

Ecochicks Poultry Ltd is the top incubator supplier in Kenya, our incubators capacity range from 60 eggs to 2000 eggs capacity with a hatch rate of 98%.

64 Eggs fully Automatic hatcher

  • Roller Turning system that ensures all eggs are well turned
  • Automatic Control of: turning, ventilation, humidity, temperature, alarms, e.tc
  • Comes with Free spares & Accessories (Feeders, Drinkers, Cables, Torch, Water bottle)
  • Setter and Hatcher combined
  • Power: 80W /12V DC/ 240V AC
  • Can use either Solar/Battery or Electricity
  • Can preserve heat during a power blackout
  • Every incubator has very accurate and Calibrated PID Controller
  • Separate Heating and Humidification Chamber to give slow cyclic air circulation to make the humidity and temperature even throughout the incubator
  • Double layer trays allow to set eggs in stages
  • Hatch rate: 98%
  • Free training
  • Warranty: 12 Months
  • Hatch rate: 98%
  • FREE DELIVERY country

64 eggs incubators
imported hatchery

What is the power consumption of a 64 eggs automatic incubator?

The power consumption is 80W/ 12V DC/ 240V AC.

Commercial Hatchery for Sale

2112 Eggs Digital Affordable incubator

  • Egg Capacity: 2112 Eggs
  • Automatic Control of: turning, ventilation, humidity, temperature, alarms, e.tc
  • Comes with Free spares & Accessories (Feeders, Drinkers, Cables, Torch, Water bottle)
  • Setter and Hatcher combined
  • Power:600W // 240V AC
  • Can use either Generator or Electricity
  • Can preserve heat during a power blackout
  • Every incubator has very accurate and Calibrated PID Controller
  • Separate Heating and Humidification Chamber to give slow cyclic air circulation to make the humidity and temperature even throughout the incubator
  • Double layer trays allow to set eggs in stages
  • Hatch rate: 98%
  • free delivery country wide

Imported Incubators for sale

Ecochicks is the best leading company selling imported incubators

Ecochicks is the best company dealing with poultry equipment in Kenya. We have a partner manufacturer abroad and this makes our machine highly efficient to more than 90%, very reduced prices compared to other sellers, warranty, support and maintenance for free for one year. We also offer trainings on handling incubators, hatching and brooding together with general poultry production.

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