Homemade Incubator for Eggs in Kenya

Materials and components needed

Insulated Container:
A styrofoam cooler, plastic storage box, or wooden box with good insulation properties to maintain a stable internal temperature.
Heating Element:
A 100 watt ceramic heat emitter.
A lamp holder or socket to hold the light bulb or heat emitter.
A digital or analog thermostat to regulate and maintain the internal temperature between 99-102°F (37.2-38.9°C).
A reliable digital thermometer to monitor the temperature inside the incubator.
A device to measure and monitor the humidity levels, which should be maintained around 40-50% for the first 18 days and 65-75% for the final days before hatching.
Water Reservoir:
A small shallow dish or container to hold water for maintaining humidity levels.
Fan (optional but recommended):
A small computer or aquarium fan to circulate the air inside the incubator, ensuring even temperature distribution.
Egg Turner (optional but recommended):
An automatic egg turner or a method to manually turn the eggs at least 3 times a day to prevent the embryo from sticking to the shell.
Ventilation Holes:
Small holes in the container to allow for proper air exchange.

  1. Prepare the Container

    Line the inside of the container with insulating materials.
    Drill ventilation holes on the sides and top of the container.

  2. Install the Heating Element:

    Mount the lamp holder or socket inside the container.
    Install the light bulb or ceramic heat emitter.

  3. Set Up the Thermostat:

    Connect the thermostat to the heating element and position the sensor inside the incubator at egg level

  4. Install the Fan:

    Mount the fan inside the container to ensure air circulation.
    Connect the fan to a power source.

  5. Place the Water Reservoir:

    Position the shallow dish or container filled with water at the bottom of the incubator.

  6. Add the Wire Mesh or Egg Tray:

    Place the mesh screen or tray above the water reservoir to hold the eggs.

  7. Monitor and Adjust:

    Place the thermometer and hygrometer inside the incubator.
    Adjust the thermostat to maintain the desired temperature.
    Monitor and refill the water reservoir as needed to maintain humidity levels.

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