Quail incubation information

It is best to have your machine running for at least 1 to 2 days prior to setting your eggs. This will ensure that your temperature and humidity are exactly where they should be prior to putting the eggs in. Above is a chart showing the recommended incubation temperature and humidity for bobwhite quail eggs.

Your eggs are incubator ready, there is no need to wash the eggs.

Always have clean hands when handling the eggs as your skin produces oil and can clog the pores of the shell.
Always set your eggs with the big end up. This enables the embryo to remain oriented in a proper position for hatching.
Eggs must be turned during incubation at least 2 -4 times per day.
Do not turn eggs during the last 3 days before hatching.
The air vents should be almost fully open during the latter stages of hatching.

When to remove eggs from incubator
Eggs should be removed from the incubator 3 days before hatching and placed in a hatcher. Do not over crowd  eggs in the hatcher.Quail Chicks need room to push out of shell.
If placed too close together, some will be partially out and die in the shell.

Time For Quail Eggs To Hatch
It depends on the specie. Bobwhite Quail eggs usually takes 23-24 days to hatch, depending on proper temperature and humidity. Some will hatch as early as 22 days, and as late as 25 days.Pharaoh quail eggs takes 17 days  When taking out quail chicks, if there were too many eggs that failed to hatch, put them back into the hatcher and wait another day , just in case you’re temperature and humidity was slightly off .

Egg Turning 
After eggs have been placed into the incubator, turn off the auto turner if it has one for the first three days. This time will allow the embryo to set. After that the eggs must be turned at least twice a day or more to keep the embryo moving around in the shell.

Although humidity, temperature & egg turning are key factors to a succesful hatch, do not expect all  eggs to hatch. Fertile  Eggs is the most important of all. Most quail farms run 3 hens to 1 cock. However, with less hens per cock more  eggs will hatch. One hen per one cock is the best.
We have found it is best to keep quail breeders in small  groups in cages off the ground, regardless of how
many hens per cock you run. Eggs will be cleaner and lots easier to gather. Checking quail eggs for dents and cracks will help get better hatches. Quaileggs with cracks and dents wont hatch.   Boil and eat these.

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