
Highly examined 300 eggs automatic incubator


Discount offer, high hatching rate, power 180W/12V DC / 240V AC/, free deliveries country wide, automatic control of turning eggs, it has automatic control of temperature and humidity  and water refill system, it can run for 4-6 hours during power blackout, automatic roller turning, free teachings on how to use the machine, 1 year  warranty.

SKU: ECO3051 Categories: , Tag:

It is equipped with universal egg tray which carry chicken, quail, turkey and duck eggs. free backup generator, fully automatic egg incubator which boasts of a dual power supply, power 180W/12V DC/240V AC, this 300 egg incubator  price is low and consumes 180w power , It works on Ac supply and also inverter, free teachings on how to use the machine, full instruction and guides on how to hatch eggs,

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