Sources for quail fertile eggs for hatching

We have a network of farmers selling fertile eggs for hatching. We provide contacts of these suppliers to our customers as a value addition after buying an incubator. We have severally repeated that you need a KWS licence to start quail farming. Visit their offices at Keren for more details. We always advise these suppliers to sell the freshest hatching eggs  that are not older than 5 days. The common breed in Kenya is Coturnix Quai. If you are supplying fertile quail eggs  please leave a comment here with your contact details







BobwhiteColinus virginianus21-23 days7 to 28WhiteCirculated Air incubators: 99 3/4 degrees F; 84 to 86 degrees F wet bulb, reduce during last week of incubation.
California Valley QuailCallipepla californica22-23 days10 to 14 eggsBuff/cream with brown spotsIncubation as in Bobwhite.
Gambel’s QuailCallipepla gambelii21-23 days6 to 19 eggsPale buff to white with moderate pink/brown spotsLower humidity than two above species, wet bulb of 83 F; hens will lay several clutches in captivity, reports of 50 eggs per hen are not uncommon.
Scaled QuailCallipepla squamata22-23 days8 to 14 eggsPale Buff to cream, light spotting.Humidity: 82 to 84 degrees F wet bulb.
Elegant QuailCallipepla douglasii22-23 days8 to 12 eggsWhiteHumidity as in Scaled; chicks may not start eating on their own. Also known as Benson or Douglas Quail.
Montezuma QuailCyrtonyx montezuma24-25 days6 to 16 eggsWhiteKeep wet bulb at 82 degrees F; chicks will need help to learn to eat.
Mountain QuailOreortyx pictus24-25 days6 to 15Pale buff to cream, no spottingWet Bulb of 82 to 84 degrees F.
Chinese Painted QuailCoturnix chinensis16 days4-7Brown, mottled with blackVery tiny chicks, can slip through 1/2 inch hardware cloth; better known as the Button Quail.
Coturnix QuailCoturnix coturnix16-17 days8 to 13 eggs in the wild; captive hens known to lay over 100 eggs in a season.As in above species.Also known as the Pharaoh Quail and Migratory Quail; commercially raised for meat and eggs. 


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