Here are some tips for caring for eggs in an incubator:
Keep the incubator clean and disinfected. Use a mild disinfectant and clean the incubator before and after each use.
Keep the eggs at the correct temperature. The ideal temperature for incubating eggs is 99.5°F (37.5°C). Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature and make adjustments as needed.
Keep the eggs at the correct humidity. The ideal humidity for incubating eggs is around 50-55%. Use a hygrometer to monitor the humidity and make adjustments as needed.
Turn the eggs regularly. Gently turn the eggs at least three times a day to ensure that the developing embryo is properly positioned.
Candling the eggs. Candling is a technique used to check on the development of the embryo inside the egg. You can use a bright light or a special candling device to see through the eggshell and check for signs of development.
Don’t open the incubator too often. Try to limit the number of times you open the incubator to prevent temperature and humidity fluctuations.
Keep the incubator in a stable location. Avoid moving the incubator around too much as this can disrupt the development of the eggs.