poultry business

10 Tips for Growing / Expanding Your Poultry Business in Kenya

Poultry farming is profitable alright, but a lot of people still fail and incur lots of losses in this business all the same. A lot of investors have blamed themselves for going into the business.

Every business has its ‘trade secrets’ and a lot of people fail in business because they do not know the trade secrets of their business. Poultry, just like any other business out there has its trade secrets which you have to know to increase your chances at success.
1. Start small.: Don’t start large scale poultry farming if you are inexperienced in the business. Don’t read about how people are making millions from poultry farming and then go ahead to invest your life savings into the business or  go and obtain loans to start a business you are inexperienced at. For a business like poultry farming, you have to start small and then expand gradually as your business grows and demands for your products increase. You should also do a proper feasibility study before you go into the business. If there are too many competitors or if the supply for poultry products exceeds the demand in your area, then look for somewhere else to start your business or look for another business to start. There are several other lucrative businesses in the livestock farming industry that you can consider.

2. Consider Meat Packaging and Production-: A lot of people get their poultry products from grocery stores and supermarkets. Very few people still buy live animals because they feel it is less stressful when you buy already packaged meat which you can use to make your meal in few minutes. Therefore, you should really consider having your own meat production and packaging business to sell the products from your farm.

Once you have your poultry farm, starting a meat packaging company is fairly easy. Just create a space for butchering and cleaning the animals, hire butchers and buy equipment that would make the job mechanized and faster, some refrigerators and then approach food regulatory agencies in your area for a license and boom! You are ready to start packaging your own meat.

3. Have your own sales outlet-: Another way to expand your poultry business is to have your own sales outlet and not rely only on supplying to retailers. You don’t have to have too many sales outlets; you can start with just one. You can sell your own branded chickens and chicken parts and fresh eggs to consumers.

4. Offer Mobile Sales and Delivery Services-: Twenty-four hours in a day is just not enough for most of us because of the kind of busy lives we lead. Now, imagine having to cook, shop for groceries, tend to the kids and do all sort of other house chores and still maintain a 9-5 job. It’s really not easy for a lot of working parents and this is why mobile sales and delivery services always works. A lot of people see such services as a live saving one; a service that brings you necessities without dealing with stress and traffic. With a van or two, you are ready to start offering such services within your area and that is also an expansion of your income.

5. Employ sales representatives-: Don’t think that your business is too small to employ sales reps or that poultry business is not serious enough to have sales representatives. Right here in my office, I have someone who brings me fresh eggs weekly and frozen chicken when I feel like having chicken.

She’s a sales rep and earns commission for each item she sells. I have also been able to introduce her to my colleague and friends who also buy from her regularly. Now, her employer is a very smart poultry farmer because even when I buy from the grocery store, I only buy their products. Having a sales representative is a good way to increase awareness for your products and increase sales too.

6. Have your own Hatchery-: Instead of purchasing day old chicks, it’s more cost effective to have your own hatchery for hatching new chicks. You would be able to reduce the costs of hatching and also increase output compared to outsourcing the service to other people.

7. Produce your own feed-: Another tip for growing your poultry business is to have your own feed mill for producing chicken feed. Chicken feed production is not so hard; if you can learn how to raise chickens, then you can learn how to produce chicken feed and if you are able to reduce the costs of producing feed, you would be able to increase on the overall profitability of your business.

8. Employ Experienced Staff-: Another way to grow your poultry business is to employ people who are experienced to handle the operational aspects of the business. If you have a really large poultry farm, you can employ business consultants to suggest ways through which you can expand your poultry business.

9. Take Stock regularly-: You should also keep an eye on the output from your farm. You should have a store where eggs are stored and have some people who would be in charge of stock keeping and counting the chickens regularly. This would help to prevent thefts.

10. Apply for Government Grants-: Agriculture is something that the government is always interested in. And that is why there are a lot of support programs for investors in the agricultural sector. Such support programs come in the form of government backed loans and grants. You should look out for such grants and apply for them.


chicken house

How to construct a chicken house

Constructing a chicken house, also known as a coop, can provide your chickens with a safe and secure place to sleep, lay eggs, and get out of the weather. Here are some steps you can follow to build a chicken coop:

  1. Choose a location: Select a location for the coop that is well-drained, sheltered from strong winds, and has plenty of natural light.
  2. Determine the size: The size of the coop will depend on the number of chickens you have and the space you have available. As a general rule, you should allow around 4-5 square feet per chicken in the coop, and 10-15 square feet per chicken in the run.
  3. Gather materials: You will need a variety of materials to construct the coop, including wood, screws, nails, wire mesh, and roofing material. Make a list of all the materials you will need and gather them before you start building.
  4. Draw a plan: Before you start building, it is a good idea to draw a plan of the coop. This will help you visualize the finished product and make sure you have all the necessary materials.
  5. Build the frame: Begin by constructing the frame of the coop using wood. Make sure the frame is sturdy and well-supported.
  6. Add the walls: Once the frame is complete, add the walls to the coop using wood or wire mesh. Make sure the walls are tall enough to keep the chickens in and predators out.
  7. Add the roof: Cover the coop with a roof to protect the chickens from the elements. You can use a variety of materials for the roof, such as shingles, metal, or plastic.
  8. Add the finishing touches: Finally, add any additional features you want, such as nesting boxes, perches, and a door for access.

By following these steps, you should be able to construct a functional and sturdy chicken coop. It is important to keep in mind that the design and size of the coop will depend on the specific needs of your chickens and the space you have available.

Chicken vaccines

Chicken vaccines and their prices

Disease  Age  Vaccine Name  Method of administartion Estimate price 
Marek’s  1 day Marek  subcutaneously injection  ksh 3500/1000doses
 Newcastle/infectious bronchitis  7th day  NCD+IB  Drinking water ksh 500/1000 doses
 Bursal disease(Gumboro)  14th  Bursal disease(Gumboro)  Drinking water  ksh 650/1000 doses
 Bursal disease(Gumboro)  21st  Bursal disease(Gumboro)  Drinking water
Newcastle/infectious bronchitis  35th  NCD+IB  Drinking wate  ksh 500/1000 doses
 fowl typhoid  56th  fowl typhoid  intramascular injection  ksh 400/1000 doses
 fowl pox  70th  fowl pox  wing stab  ksh 700/1000 doses

Other common poultry diseases

 Disease  Drug  Method of administration   Estimate price 
 Coccidiosis  Amprolium  Water  ksh 2500/kg
 Worms  piperazine  Water  ksh 2000/kg

Disease symptoms 

  • Marek disease

Marek’s disease occurs as the nervous form, appearing as a progressive paralysis of one or more of the limbs. The birds are unable to stand, become paralysed, appear uncoordinated and slowly waste away from lack of food and water. In most cases the paralysis comes on quickly. In some cases the eyes may be affected, resulting in blindness.

  • Gumboro

The feathers around the vent are usually stained with faeces containing plenty of urates.Also, diarrhoea, anorexia, depression, ruffled feathers, especially in the region of the head and the neck are present.

  • Coccidiosis

Infected birds or chicks become droopy, look unthrifty, and usually have ruffled feathers, pale beaks and shanks.  Caecal coccidiosis has bloody droppings.  Mortality may be high and sudden

  • Fowl chorela

There is yellowish colouration on birds’ droppings, which is followed by yellowish or greenish diarrhoea.  Infected birds become droopy, feverish and sleepy. The birds also sit with the head down or turned backwards or rested in feathers about the wing.

  • Fowl typhoid

Ruffled feathers, paleness of the head drooping comb, loss of appetite and pale orange coloured diarrhoea.

  • New Castle Disease

In chicks, gasping coughing and sneezing is observed and ater nervous systems.  Birds may be seen sitting on their back hock joints; others may walk backwards; or in circles; or hind their head between their legs.

  • Fowl Pox

It is characterized by typical pox lesions in the form of wart-like scabs on the face, comb and wattles.

NB. The above prices only serve as estimates and help in planning. Consult with your local vet in case of any of the above symptoms and before administering any drug to your flock.


Economies of broiler farming setup

Economics of Broiler Farming – at a Glance

1. Unit Size : 1000 broiler birds per month

2.250 broilers in a week

3. System of rearing : Deep litter system

Sr. No Particulars Specifications Physical  Units Unit cost(Ksh/ Unit) Total cost (Ksh)
1 Sheds and other structures
a) Broiler sheds ( 4 sheds) 1 sft. per bird 1000 sft. 150 150000
b) Store room 100 sft 70 7,000
c)Labor quarter 150 sft 100 15,000
d) Slaughter room 100 sft 90 9,000
e) Fencing 750 rft 20 15,000
2 Water supply system
a) Digging or construction water reservoir 13’dia x33’depth 10,000 10,000
b) Water tank 1000 liters 1 9,000
c) 3 HP electric motor/pump set and other accessories and pipeline etc. 6000 6,000
d) Electrical installation/equipment 5,000
3 Equipment
a) Feeders and waterers 1000 birds 9 9,000
b) Dressing equipment 10,000
4 Capitalization of recurring expenses for first 8 batches
a) Chick cost 1000 day old 65 65000
b) Feed cost for 1080 birds 3.2 kg/bird 3456 kg 55 190,080
c) Overheads such as cost of, Medicines, vaccine, insurance, litter Ksh 5.00/bird 1080 birds 5 5,400
d) Labour cost 3 months 10000 3 30,000
5 Total financial outlay (TFO)


Contact Ecochicks Poultry at 0727087285 for eggs incubators, farm machinery and farm setups

cattle feed pellets

Cattle Feed Pellets Making Guide

What is Cattle Feed Pellet

  • Cattle feed pellets are a kind of compound feed and mainly made from various raw materials such as, cereals, seed from oleaginous crops and legumes, forage and dried beet pulp and additives, such as, vitamins, minerals, chemical preservatives and other essential micro-ingredients
  • They are formulated according to the type of cattle
  • The cattle feed pellets are high in energy and balanced for protein, vitamins and minerals.

Cattle Feed Pellets VS Traditional Feed

In the eighties  researchers found that cows consumed the pelleted feed more rapidly than other forms of feed like coarse mix, crumbles and meal. Compared with traditional cattle feed, cattle feed pellets show more advantages. Cattle feed pellets can satisfy the nutritional need of cattle and help cattle gain weight fast, and produce more milk than traditional feed like chopped straw. As we all know, powder of chopped straw can stack in the cattle’s stomach and caused cattle tumor and indigestion diseases. However, with pelleted shape, the cattle feed pellets are with no such problems, and they contain more nutrition. Cattle feed pellets can not only improve the cattle performance but also improve the ratio of feed pellets conversion.

Advantages of dairy cow feed pellets
Besides easy storage and cost less, the advantages of pelletizing also include the following aspects:
1. Quality assured: ingredients to be targeted directly at your requirements and ensure the accuracy of each ingredient time after time.
2. Nutritionally balanced ration: meets the protein, energy and mineral requirements for optimum growth and feed conversion
3. High energy: rapid weight gain and efficient feed conversionCattle-feeds
4. Low dust: reduced inhalation of dust by people and cows which makes a safer, healthier and more pleasant work place.
5. No ingredient separation: even nutrient blend received by cows
6. No further processing required: pellets are ready for consumption; no extra labor to roll or mix rations.
7. Better starch utilization: up to 15% more and increased milk production per kilo of feed

Formulation for Home-made Cattle Feed Pellets Making Machine

According different kind of cattle, like dairy cattle and beef cattle, the feed pellets formulation is different.
♦ Dairy cattle. As dairy cattle are mainly fed for their milk and the materials of feed pellets may effect the quality of milk, the feed pellets should be produced carefully and the materials of making diary cattle feed pellets should be selected strictly.

Raw materials for making dairy cow feed pellets
1. Cereals: maize, barley, oat, wheat, triticale, rye and sorghum
2. Seed from oleaginous crops: soy, flax, and sunflower
3. Seed from legumes: broad beans, field bean and protein pea
4. Forage: flours of permitted forage essences
5. Dried beet pulp.
Furthermore, the following substances can be used as appetizers in feed pellets:
1. Carob-bean, up to a maximum of 3%;
2. Molasses, up to a maximum of 3%.
Note: for animals in lactation, dry animals, and heifers from the sixth month of pregnancy, maximum daily amount of feed pellets is 2 kg/head/day.

♦ Beef cattle. People feed beef for their meat. So the feed pellets should contain enough protein to meet the demand and help beef gain weight fast.
Feed ingredients
Alfalfa, hay, barley, bermuda grass, corn, cotton, cottonseed hulls, oats, sorghum, soybeans, soybean hulls, wheat, wheat bran, meal, Vitamin A acetate, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin E supplement and so on.

How to Make Quality Cattle Feed Pellets ?

1. Crushing: crush raw materials by feed hammer mill to get fine grinded ingredients.
2. Mixing:all of the ingredients are mixed in a feed pellet blender for a period of time to get a uniform mix. Then a moist, cohesive mash was obtained at end of the final mixing.
3. Pelletizing: after mixing, the mash was delivered to the pellet mill feeder. It is fed into the feed pellet machine and then to the roller and die extruder. (Note: feed pellet  better for home use) When the mash is compacted through the die, soft, moist pellets were formed. The extruded pellets have a moisture content of 16-17%.
4. Drying: the wet pellets are dried  to obtain moisture content below 12%.

Sku: ECO706

Animal Feed Pellet Machine

(4.00)1 Review
Many research and field trials have  demonstrated an improvement in feed conversion with pelleted feeds versus mash feeds. Advantages of pellet feeds 1. Reduce dust 2. Reduce waste 3. Require less storage area 4. Reduce the appearance of hay belly 5. Prevent animals from sorting feed
  • You can make grass pellets.
  • Feed pellet machine is mainly used to make animal feed like chicken food pellet,duck food pellet, fish feed pellet,sheep feed




Points to consider while starting chicken farming in Kenya

  1. Can I rear Kienyeji for commercial purpose

Farmers have been calling Ecochicks Poultry with similar inquires and this is my take.  Yes but having considered the following. There are only 2 main ventures in poultry rearing, eggs or meat.

We mainly have 3 types of chicken for that. Layers, Broilers and Kienyeji.

  • Kienyeji feeds more than layers
  • Kienyeji best for scavenging
  • Layers have best laying rate and longest laying period
  • broilers achieve market value faster than Kienyeji
  • The market for eggs is bigger than meat
  • The market for Kienyeji meat is growing very fast
  • Kienyeji eggs fetches higher prices

My opinion Improved Kienyeji is more suitable for meat at commercial production scale.

    2. Do i need cages in poultry rearing.

  • Well, that depends on the no of birds you have. Cages are best for layers farming but also used in broiler production
  • Return on Investment(ROI) is the major considerations in cage system.
  • Cages  have alot of benefits but also expensive when calculated cost per bird
  • My opinion is to use deep litter system for less than 300 birds and consider cages for large  number of birds

3. Which venture is more profitable eggs or meat 

  • This also depends with the resources available. In the long run egg production is more profitable and in the short run meat production is more profitable
  • Consider meat producing chicken acheiving the market value in less tha 3 months and layers starting to lay after 5-6 months.

4. Which venture is easier to do eggs or meat 

  • Also depends with resources available. Meat production at commercial levels is easier to do as it does not involve tedious vaccination and disease control. Also the duration to its maturity is shorter.
  • However the cage system simplifies the layers production

5 .Which venture involves less risk

  • Kienyeji production has  less  risks compared to layers or broilers. The improved breeds are resistant to diseases and can be done for meat and eggs.

6 .Which is vaccination program  for layers 

  • 1st       day Marek(should be done at the hatchery)
  • 7th       day New Castle
  • 14th      day Bursal disease(Gumboro) in drinking water
  • 21st     day Bursal disease(Gumboro) in drinking water
  • 35th     New castle in drinking water
  • 56th     fowl typhoid intramascular
  • 70th     fowl pox wing stab
  • 112th   New castle in drinking water

7 .How can I hatch my own layers or broilers

  • Start by rearing your  breeding stock. This can be done by buying ex-layers and respective cocks and produce fertile eggs.
  • Obtain an egg incubator and hatch your own chicks
  • Get the eggs incubators here

8. Which is cheaper, buying feeds or making own feeds

  • Feeds constitute 80% of the total costs. Making your feeds would definitely lower these costs especially when raw materials are available and or  purchased in bulk
  • Also get the formula for making feeds

8. What do i need to make own feeds

  • Feed making machine
  • Raw materials
  • Feed formula
  • Get the feed making machine here

9.How much do i need to start layers, broilers or kienyeji production

The above is only an opinion and the decision of the best venture lies with the farmer.

Kienyeji diseases

Kienyeji diseases and their treatments

Disease Age



Symptoms Treatment
NCD All Depression, poor appetite, coughing and difficult breathing, diarrhea, nervous signs, twisted neck and death in large numbers in short time


Vaccination  antibiotic to control secondary infections





All but


at point

of lay


Spreading eruption on comb, wattle nose & other featherless parts, poor appetite/egg production, depress ion. Deaths may result in chicks


Vaccination antibiotic  to control secondary infections





All Chicks /growers: Depression, huddling, poor appetite, coughing, gasping/difficult breathing, death. Adult: Coughing/noisy breathing, few eggs laid/with soft shells


Vaccination Antibiotics to control secondary infections





All Depression, coughing, discharge from eyes nostrils , swollen face, poor sight and feeding, nervous signs and diarrhea


Destroy sick birds




2-6 wk Depression, poor appetite, un-steady walk, pecking at vent and diarrhoea


Control by vaccination



kienyeji hen

What to do when Kienyeji Hens have drastically reduced their laying

What to do when Kienyeji Hens have drastically reduced their laying.

You can boost kienyeji hens to lay by doing one of the following

  1. Feed one gram of honey mixed with water with the forage to the hen every morning and evening.
  2. 2. 8% boiled vegetable seeds are added as additive with the forage. 4. Reduce 10% grain component from forage and add 20% earthworm gradually to the forage 4. Boil and cut earthworm in pieces and replace 10% of the grain component in the forage with this.
  3. Add 3% peanut shell powder to the forage instead of the grain component and feed the hen.
  4. Add 2% sunflower powder to forage.
  5. Add 2% zinc in the forage for 7 days. The quantity of egg deposition will be reduced after the first 3 days, and will totally stop after 7 days. The quantity of eggs laid will, however, increase to 50% after 2 weeks and will continue to increase by more than 10% every week.
  6. Dig a pit and put a layer of pig manure on the surface of the pit. Then put straw to cover the manure and add water to keep it damps every day. Maggots will be born after several days. Maggot is good food for the laying hen.
  7. Mix pig blood to wheat bran in the proportion 1: 1. Then put the mixture on the ground for drying. This mixture can be added to forage with some water. With this feed hen can lay 30% more eggs than normal.

Ecochicks poultry is a supplier of poultry equipment’s and services including eggs incubators, drinkers,cages, feeders, day old chicks. Call us on 0727087285


poultry farmers

Why poultry farmers fail in Kenya

Why poultry farmers fail in Kenya

  1. No feasibility study
    In most cases, farmers make little or no effort to carry out a feasibility study. The most important of these are the suppliers of day-old chickens, point-of-lay hens, feed, medicine, disinfectants and vaccines,cost of inputs and profit projection . Also often missing are veterinary services and sufficiency of funds
  2. Inadequate housing
    To become commercially viable and sustainable, an emerging farmer must provide the chickens with the correct type of housing for the production system practised. Many enterprises failed to do so.
  3. Feed
    Broilers have been specifically bred to grow fast (38g to 2,5kg in six weeks) but to reach this, the chickens must be provided with the correct feed. Because feed cost is high (about 70% of production cost), some farmers mixed good quality feed with lower grade feed, resulting in poor growth performance. In addition, some projects are up to 100km from the nearest feed company. Many farmers relies on public transport, which increased the price of a 50kg bag of feed significantly
  4. Marketing
    This is one of the greatest problems. Some fail to honor their contracts while others can not handle their finances. Most do not put money back into the business. Because of these problems, many end up selling live birds – an unreliable market as farmers often have to keep chickens for up to eight weeks before they are sold. During this time, they consume the profit.Some farmers doing layers sell them in their active laying period  incurring losses
  5. Training
    Most farmers embark on poultry farming without  receive training, a fact evident in the way they rear the birds.

To address these issues Ecochicks has compiled a comprehensive guide to poultry training. Get it here Chicken farming comprehensive guide

To address the issue of planning and acquisation of day old chicks, you can buy eggs incubator and have a sustainable chick source


kienyeji chicken farming manual

Kienyeji chicken farming manual

Kienyeji chicken, also known as indigenous or native chickens, are a popular choice for small-scale poultry farming in Kenya due to their ability to thrive in free-range systems and their resistance to diseases. Here are some tips for starting a kienyeji chicken farm in Kenya:

  1. Choose a suitable site: Select a location that has access to clean water and is free from predators. The site should also have good drainage to prevent the buildup of water, which can create a breeding ground for diseases.
  2. Build a strong and secure chicken coop: A strong, well-ventilated chicken coop is essential for the health and well-being of your chickens. Make sure to include nesting boxes and perches inside the coop.
  3. Provide proper nutrition: Kienyeji chickens are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods, including grains, insects, and greens. It’s important to provide a balanced diet to ensure the chickens are healthy and produce high-quality eggs.
  4. Keep the coop clean: Regularly cleaning the coop and disposing of any waste or excess bedding will help prevent the spread of diseases.
  5. Monitor for signs of illness: Keep an eye out for any unusual behavior or changes in the appearance of your chickens, as these could be signs of illness. If you suspect that your chickens are sick, it’s important to isolate them and seek veterinary treatment as soon as possible.
  6. Practice good biosecurity measures: To prevent the spread of diseases, it’s important to quarantine any new birds before introducing them to your existing flock and to avoid mixing birds from different sources.

By following these tips, you can successfully raise a healthy flock of kienyeji chickens on your farm in Kenya.

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